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  • Sunday Morning Inspiration- It's Gonna Be BIG!

    I was working yesterday and was playing music in the background, and this song came on, and it was like a prophetic word to my soul. May it be so for you! Sometimes, we become discouraged when life happens. We want to throw in the towel because it looks like God isn't moving on our behalf, but I can assure you that He SEES YOU! He has not forgotten you! He's working all those things out for your good, and His heart's desire is to show you love! So, beautiful need to know that IT is on its way, and it's GONNA BE BIG!! It's your season!! God is about to blow your mind! God's about to open the windows of heaven in your life, and God is about to blow your mind! I don't know whether or not he's about to bring in material possessions or He's just going to change your perspective about a situation, but what I know for sure is that it's gonna be BIG! Receive it! Are you ready for it?! You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. He the Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you. 11 The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you. The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. The Lord will make you the head and not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I will give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left following other gods and serving them. Deuteronomy 28:3-14. Amen.

  • Saturday Stress Buster- Try Something New

    The hallmark of successful people is that they are always willing to try new things. Carol Dweck My husband and children have been trying to get me to try sushi for a very long time. A couple of weeks ago I decided to go for it. And it was delicious! The flavors were incredible! I have been missing out! I know, you might be thinking that trying something new might be stressful, it is, but it is also exhilarating to have been courageous enough to step outside of your comfort zone and done something you've never done before. So today. Do something you've never done before. Step out of your comfort zone and have some fun, eat something you haven't tasted before, go somewhere you've never been.! Bust some stress by practicing some courage, curiosity and adventure!

  • Jesus had a Plan! Does Your Church Have A Ministry Action Plan (MAP)?

    Jesus indeed had a plan for His ministry, and it is essential for a church to have a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) to align its efforts and strategies with the teachings and example of Jesus. Here are some key points to highlight when discussing the importance of a MAP: 1. Biblical Foundation: The MAP must be rooted in biblical principles and teachings. Just as Jesus' ministry was guided by His Father's will and the Scriptures, a church's MAP should be rooted in the Word of God. 2. Vision and Mission Alignment: A MAP helps the church align its vision and mission with the overall purpose of Christ's ministry. By clearly defining the church's purpose and goals, the MAP ensures that all activities and initiatives contribute to the fulfillment of that mission. 3. Strategic Focus: A MAP also provides a strategic framework for the church's activities. It helps prioritize ministries, identify target demographics, and allocate resources effectively to maximize impact and growth. 4. Goal Setting and Accountability: A MAP allows the church to set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This enables the church to track progress, evaluate success, and hold leaders and teams accountable for their roles and responsibilities. 5. Ministry Integration: A MAP encourages the integration of various ministries within the church. By aligning different departments, teams, and initiatives, the MAP facilitates collaboration, synergy, and a unified approach to achieving the church's objectives. 6. Evaluation and Adaptation: It is imperative that a MAP is regularly evaluated for its effectiveness and makes the necessary adaptations. Just as Jesus adjusted His ministry approach based on the needs and circumstances He encountered, a church should be open to refining its strategies to better serve its members and community. 7. Communication and Engagement: A MAP provides clarity and direction for the congregation, ensuring that everyone understands the church's focus and how they can contribute. Effective communication and engagement with the entire church community are essential for the successful implementation of the MAP. 8. Prayer and Dependence on God: This is the last point because it's the most important point. While a MAP is a valuable tool, it should be underpinned by prayer and dependence on God. Just as Jesus sought the Father's guidance and relied on the Holy Spirit, a church should seek divine wisdom and trust in God's provision throughout the implementation of its MAP. If your church does not have a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) I can assist in creating a customized Action Plan tailored to your church's unique needs and goals. Together, we can identify growth opportunities, develop strategies, and implement effective ministry initiatives that will propel your church forward. Don't let your church miss out on the benefits of a Ministry Action Plan. Let's have a conversation about how we can work together to strengthen your church, reach more people, and make a lasting impact in your community.

  • What Would You Do? Legal Studies First Lecture (author unknown)

    What would you do? Kicked out of the university lecture The professor enters the lecture hall.He looks around. "You there in the 8th row. Can you tell me your name?" he asks a student. "My name is Sandra" says a voice. The professor asks her, "Please leave my lecture hall. I don't want to see you in my lecture." Everyone is quiet. The student is irritated, slowly packs her things and stands up. "Faster please" she is asked. She doesn't dare to say anything and leaves the lecture hall. The professor keeps looking around. The participants are scared. "Why are there laws?" he asks the group. All quiet. Everyone looks at the others. "What are laws for?" he asks again. "Social order" is heard from a row A student says "To protect a person's personal rights." Another says "So that you can rely on the state." The professor is not satisfied. "Justice" calls out a student. The professor smiling. She has his attention. "Thank you very much. Did I behave unfairly towards your classmate earlier?" Everyone nods. "Indeed I did. Why didn't anyone protest? Why didn't any of you try to stop me? Why didn't you want to prevent this injustice?" he asks. Nobody answers. "What you just learned you wouldn't have understood in 1,000 hours of lectures if you hadn't lived it. You didn't say anything just because you weren't affected yourself. This attitude speaks against you and against life. You think as long as it doesn't concern you, it's none of your business. I'm telling you, if you don't say anything today and don't bring about justice, then one day you too will experience injustice and no one will stand before you. Justice lives through us all. We have to fight for it." “In life and at work, we often live next to each other instead of with each other. We console ourselves that the problems of others are none of our business. We go home and are glad that we were spared. But it's also about standing up for others. Every day an injustice happens in business, in sports or on the tram. Relying on someone to sort it out is not enough. It is our duty to be there for others. Speaking for others when they cannot

  • Saturday Stress Buster- Practice Deep Breathing

    Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 Deep breathing exercises are simple yet highly effective stress busters. When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This technique helps activate your body's relaxation response and can instantly calm your mind. Remember, with every inhale and exhale, you are breathing in and out the very breath of God. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Breathe deeply. The way to breathe deeply is to count to 10 as you inhale and count to 10 as you exhale. Breathe slow and deep, and experience the very breath of God flowing in and out of you. Take some time to journal your experience of practicing deep breathing.

  • Ministering to Grieving Families: Supporting and Uplifting During Times of Loss

    Ministering to a grieving family is one of the most significant opportunities for the body of Christ to be a reflection of God's love. During this challenging time, unsaved family members may be more open to experiencing the love of Christ through Christian believers. As ministers, one of our most important roles is to provide comfort, support, and guidance to those experiencing grief and loss. Walking alongside grieving families during their darkest moments requires compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of their needs. This blog post will explore practical ways ministers can minister to grieving families, offering them solace, strength, and hope during their healing journey. 1. Active Listening and Validation: It is crucial to listen attentively and allow grieving families to express their emotions without judgment or interruption. Create a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share their feelings, memories, and concerns. Validate their emotions by acknowledging their pain and assuring them that their grief is valid and understandable. Showing empathy and compassion while actively listening can provide immense comfort and reassurance. 2. Personalized Support: Recognize that every individual's grief journey is unique. Tailor your support and ministry to meet the specific needs of each family. Offer assistance with practical matters such as funeral arrangements, financial concerns, or paperwork, as these tasks can often feel overwhelming during grief. Additionally, provide emotional support by offering one-on-one counseling, prayer, or spiritual guidance based on their beliefs and preferences. 3. Create Supportive Communities: Facilitate opportunities for grieving families to connect with others who have experienced similar losses. This can be done through support groups, grief counseling sessions, or memorial events. Encourage families to share their stories, listen to others' experiences, and find solace in the support of a compassionate community. Building these connections can provide a sense of belonging and understanding that helps ease the burden of grief. 4. Offer Rituals and Ceremonies: Rituals and ceremonies play a crucial role in the grieving process. Work closely with grieving families to create meaningful and personalized rituals that honor their loved ones' lives. This could include designing a memorial service, organizing candlelight vigils, or suggesting individualized ways to commemorate special anniversaries or milestones. These rituals can provide a sense of closure, healing, and remembrance for the grieving families. 5. Continued Support: Grief does not disappear after a funeral or memorial service. It is essential for ministers to continue offering support in the weeks, months, and even years following the loss. Reach out to grieving families regularly, check in on their well-being, and offer ongoing support and resources. Provide access to grief counseling, literature, or referrals to professional therapists specializing in grief and bereavement. Ministering to grieving families is a sacred responsibility that requires empathy, compassion, and a willingness to meet individuals where they are in their grief journey. By actively listening, providing personalized support, creating supportive communities, offering rituals and ceremonies, and providing continued support, ministers can help grieving families navigate the challenging healing path. As ministers, let us be a source of love, strength, and hope for those who are mourning, reminding them that they do not walk alone. Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

  • Embracing Resilience: Returning to Blogging After Family Loss

    Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and at times, these challenges can profoundly impact our personal and professional lives. With a grateful heart and renewed determination, I write this blog post today after a period of absence due to the care and the loss of my mother-n-love on August 21, 2023. While the healing journey continues, I am excited to share that I am returning to blogging, ready again to offer my church growth consulting and leadership coaching services. In this post, I want to reflect on the power of resilience and how it has shaped my journey and highlight the valuable support I can offer to church leaders seeking guidance in their own growth and development. 1. Embracing Resilience: Resilience is a remarkable trait that enables us to navigate through life's darkest moments and emerge stronger on the other side. After experiencing the loss of my mother-n-love, I have personally witnessed the strength and resilience that resides within each one of us. This resilience has motivated me to return to my passion for blogging and helping church leaders thrive in their roles. 2. Church Growth Consulting Services: Church growth is a multifaceted process that requires a deep understanding of each congregation's unique challenges and opportunities. Through my consulting services, I offer tailored strategies and insights to help churches identify their strengths, address obstacles, and foster sustainable growth. From conducting comprehensive assessments to developing effective outreach plans, my goal is to empower church leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to lead their congregations toward a vibrant and impactful future. 3. Leadership Coaching: Leadership is the cornerstone of any thriving church community. My leadership coaching services provide individualized support to church leaders, helping them enhance their skills, navigate complex situations, and cultivate a culture of empowerment within their congregations. Through personalized coaching sessions, I aim to equip leaders with the confidence and expertise necessary to lead with authenticity, vision, and compassion. 4. A Holistic Approach: I firmly believe that church growth and leadership development go hand in hand. By taking a holistic approach, I integrate practical strategies for church growth with targeted leadership coaching, ensuring that church leaders have the necessary tools and support to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of ministry. Returning to blogging and offering my church growth consulting and leadership coaching services after a family loss has been a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative impact of supporting others. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving church leaders worldwide, helping them turn challenges into opportunities and guiding them toward meaningful growth and impactful leadership. If you or someone you know is seeking church growth or leadership development support, I invite you to reach out. Together, we can navigate the journey ahead and build thriving faith communities. Remember, resilience is not just about bouncing back; it's about bouncing forward, embracing growth, and shaping a brighter future. In resilience and service, Joycelyn

  • There is Living Proof of A Leader Worth Following

    Hello beloved. I am calling you beloved because you are and because I was in my hometown of Lexington, KY, this past weekend attending a Beth Moore Live event, and she gave us all name tags and said that our names were "Beloved." Why? Because she wanted us to know how much the Father deeply loves us, and I want you to know that the Father deeply loves you. She explained to us that she has a small team of about 15 (this is incredible because she is a national speaker with 600k followers on Instagram, just to put this in perspective). She explained to us that one thing she does is she takes the cities/places of each event she is going to do and writes the name on a piece of paper. Then she folds them up, puts them on a table, prays over them then each team member takes one of the pieces of paper. She says she then gives them the assignment to pray over and to listen to what God would want to communicate to those attending that event. So, for our event this weekend, the person assigned to pray for us said we needed to know that we are "beloved" by God. This is incredible leadership! This is healthy leadership. This is nonoppressive leadership. Beth Moore, who has 600k followers on Instagram, and 775k followers on FB, whose live event for this past weekend was sold out, trusted the members of her team of 15 to pray and listen to God about what He would want the people to know at an event that has her name on it! That's a leadership style worth emulating and following. Beth Moore also explained that Sharon Miller was someone she met through Twitter. She had noticed perhaps some posts of Sharon's started following her and discovered that she is a sincere Christian woman who loves God and an excellent speaker. Beth Moore shared her platform with Sharon Miller. She created space for Sharon Miller to expose us to Sharon Miller's gift(s). She empowered Sharon Miller, and she trusted God through Sharon Miller to preach and teach us on Friday night. And Sharon Miller brought that Word! It is evident that Beth is not an insecure woman; she is not focused on keeping herself in the spotlight. She shared the gifts of another woman with us so that we could be inspired, encouraged, and transformed. This is healthy leadership. This is nonoppressive leadership. This is the type of leadership style worth emulating and following. I could attend this past weekend's event because of a woman named Myshel (in the middle), who sings with Beth Moore's worship team. She and I have a mutual friend named Stacy (on the left), one of my best friends. I met Myshel through my friend Stacy in 2005 because we were on a team of 10 women and two men who went to Venezuela to teach the women there. Myshel's voice is amazing! Myshel is from Kentucky. Myshel reserved two tickets with reserved seats! I am not one to be "star struck"; however, there was just one row between where Stacy and I were sitting and Beth Moore and Sharon Miller, the preachers for the weekend. You know I like being close to the FIRE! All glory and praise goes to God! After the event, Stacy and I talked to Myshel, who said some incredibly positive things about Beth Moore, like she "anoints and prays over them (the Worship team), they do devotions with them, she's the real deal." When Stacy asked whether or not Myshel was staying in a hotel, Myshel responded quickly, "Yes, but I am well taken care of; I was able to fly in early to spend time with my dad." This is leadership par excellence! And a leadership style worth emulating and following. In two short hours, I entered a time of worship; my voice was hoarse from singing, my eye-make was gone because of my tears, and I was not just in the presence of a genuine and empowering leader. She had brought us all into the presence of the Almighty God, who never fails us! He won't! This is what healthy nonoppressive leaders do. We were all there because it was a Beth Moore event, but she did not make herself the spotlight. She made the Almighty God our focus, and then she spotlighted a beloved woman of God and essentially said, "Now let your light shine, girl." Friday night couldn't sleep; I had created 2-3 Instagram live posts and a FB live post about it (which I usually resist doing videos. We'll talk about this later in another blog). Healthy, nonoppressive leadership ignites you! I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve, waiting for 8:30 a.m. so that I could go back and be in the presence of like-minded individuals under the leadership of someone whose agenda is not to use me for her agenda. This is liberating! And that's what healthy, nonoppressive leadership does; it liberates! Because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! Healthy nonoppressive leadership invokes the Spirit of the Lord, and when He shows up, those who are present are inspired and transformed. This is a leadership style worth emulating and following. Quite honestly, these past few weeks, I realized I had also lost some inspiration and joy, grieving the loss of my "dream job" (see my blog Everyday I Cried). Essentially I had to immerse myself in an environment without oppression. Seeing another woman being empowered and the glowing comments about Beth Moore's leadership style reignited my hope and joy that there are healthy leaders out there, and it reignited and stirred up my gifts! I am truly grateful! So……….out! Make sure that you subscribe to this site so that you will not miss out on any blogs, upcoming events, and more!

  • What I Need From You

    Hello Beloved, it has been a couple of weeks since I wrote a blog, I recently had a procedure on my left shoulder, so I had to take it easy. I am doing very well in physical therapy, and my shoulder is getting stronger daily! Praise the Lord! Please subscribe to this site and blog so that when I create posts, you will know! I will also create content for my subscribers, so you do not want to miss out! And you don't want the people you know to miss out too, so please share my website with others, and if you are on Instagram, follow me @joycelynignites. In a few weeks, my calendar will go live, and I will be taking clients who would like, Personal and Leadership Development coaching and who need a Church Growth Consultant, so being a subscriber is imperative so that you will be the first to have access to my calendar and other resources. I am excited to return to my home studio to record my podcast and other audio and video content. So subscribe today so you will be the first to find out when I release audio and video content. I will also be offering online workshops and more! You do not want to miss out! Subscribe today!

  • Let's Talk About Syncretism

    The most simplistic way I can define syncretism is that it is the blending of two or more belief systems, and it is what is happening every day in the hearts and the minds of Christians who are actively involved in their faith. Syncretism occurs because everyone has the basic need to be accepted; therefore, syncretism allows Christians to proclaim that they are a follower of Christ. Yet, they follow their horoscope daily, revealing themselves as an astrological sign. Syncretism says, "Don't choose just one believe mix them together and you will be accepted, this is what promotes unity the blending of beliefs not choosing just one." "Is Jesus really the only way? There are such nice people in the world." This is one of the most prevalent ways that I see syncretism creep into the life of a Christian believer. Syncretism allows for numerous sources to be the filter by which a person makes their moral decisions. The Bible is not THE Source. It is simply A source that can be used as a guide and a compass for daily living. With access to all of the various sources with just one spell of the word or concepts you are searching for, a person has access to hundreds of thousands of perspectives from different types of thought leaders, all of whom can cure their itching ears. We are in the last days, as scripture has proclaimed; Sin is the new three-letter word that people rarely want to use for fear of looking as though they are being judgemental. Syncretism allows a person to create a melting pot of beliefs based on cultural trends and passions. The church needs to make Christian disciples because syncretism is knocking on the church's door daily, saying, "Come on out, you can believe what Christians believe and what other religions and even the non-religious. You can be spiritual and not religious; you can have it all!" Does this sound familiar? Does it sound like one of the temptations of Christ in the wilderness? Satan says, "Look at all this I have; you can have it! (Matthew 4:1-11) just follow me." The truth is that "having it all" is alike. There is no such thing as having it all for the Christian. Not if you want to have all that the world has to offer, prestige, fame, and fortune. It seems that many want to make their name great, and in doing so, they are forgetting about the great name of Jesus! This is how the world is wooing Christians out of the church and keeping non-believers out because our Christian faith says we must choose who we will serve. We can't have two Masters. It says Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. It gives us instructions on how to live our lives. There is no room for syncretism as a Christian disciple. We believe there is only one Source, and we are Sourced from Him alone. If you are going to be a disciple of Christ, you must ask yourself what is the Source and who is the Source that is the final authority and filter by which I make my decisions and live my life. The Bible is our moral compass for daily living. It teaches us who our Source is, and it teaches us who we are sourced in. So, you must get a fundamental understanding of what you believe about the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." The Word of God, the Bible, leaves no room for syncretism. Making disciples confronts the areas in our lives where we have allowed syncretism to creep in because it requires us to read scripture and allow it to challenge and transform us. While we are on this journey, we are going to take some time to talk about why the Bible is God's voice, His love letter to us; it should be the book we use to filter every decision and every belief so that we can be disciples that are a reflection of God's love. Tomorrow we will be talking about High Bar Discipleship Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

  • The Priority of the Ministry

    I believe that leaders struggle with the priority of Ministry every day. There seem to be so many things that pull leaders in various directions. Which programs to do, when to offer various ministry opportunities, who the leaders are of the various ministry events and activities, who will preach, teach, lead the songs, play the music, direct the choir, serve in the nursery, be over the children's Ministry and the list can go on and on. All of the things above are worth prioritizing, but they are not the priority of the Ministry. The focus of the Ministry is to make disciples. Disciples are made thru relationships, not programs. Summer VBS, the Sunday Christian Education hour, the weekly Bible Study, and Sunday morning worship do not make disciples. How do I know this? Because Disciples reproduce disciples. Church programs, including Sunday morning worship, do not reproduce. Disciples reproduce disciples. I know I have said that twice but it is true. Most people attend Sunday School or the Christian Education hour, Bible Study, VBS, and other Christian education opportunities to equip themselves or to learn for themselves, but rarely do they take what they have learned and intentionally teach it to someone else. Disciples teach what they know to others. The priority of the Ministry is to create a disciple-making process that creates opportunities for disciples to be in relationships with others so that disciple-making relationships bear the fruit of reproduction. This requires the church to intentionally hold space for people to connect and to be paired up with someone or put in a group where they meet, hold one another accountable, read scripture, and share their successes and struggles. This is the priority of the Ministry. This is discipleship. This is the priority. One point I want to make is that it is and will be challenging to create a disciple-making process with reproducing disciples who bear the fruit of the Spirit in an unhealthy church environment. Unhealthy church environments run the risk of developing unhealthy disciples. Still, if the leadership is unhealthy, then the followers of unhealthy leaders ultimately perpetuate unhealthy discipleship; reproducing unhealthy disciples. When it comes to discipleship, I look at how Jesus discipled the twelve and others. He allowed them to become his friend (John 15:15); Jesus taught the disciples what he had learned from his Father. Who are you teaching? We all should be teachers (Hebrews 5:12-14). However, people cannot teach others what they have not been taught. It is essential to have a model of discipleship, an example that every disciple in your church can use to guide at least one other person in the teachings and principles of our faith. We need more one-on-one, small groups; we need more discipleship happening in the church. Today I want to challenge you to think of at least one person you can disciple. Ensure you are subscribed to this blog and all of my other social media platforms @joycelynignites, my podcast, etc., where you will be discipled by me in how to disciple others. I will provide materials, videos, PDFs, and more; if you follow me, I will teach you how to disciple others, and we will grow and glorify God together. Let's make disciples together! Let's make discipleship the priority because it is! In my next blog, we will talk about High Bar Discipleship. Let's ignite the church! Make sure you subscribe and share this blog with others.

  • Be Spontaneous. It May Be A Part of the Plan

    On Sunday, my husband and I decided to be spontaneous and go to Pigeon Forge, TN, for a little getaway. We chose not to book a hotel until we got there because Pigeon Forge has so many hotels; it would be better to go and see the hotel before making a decision. Being spontaneous in this way was also one of the things we did before we had children. I looked up several hotels to give us places to begin when we arrived. We decided to first look at a hotel called The Ramsey Hotel and Convention Center. When we arrived, it looked like a luxury hotel; I was thinking, "This is probably gonna be a little out of our price range," but I had found an online price that was reasonable and had determined if we booked it that, I would book the room on my phone while standing in the hotel lobby. We approached the counter and asked if they had availability and the nightly rate; while I was talking with the reservationist, my husband said, "This is the one. Let's stay here." I was not surprised that he chose the hotel because it looked like one of the best hotels in the area. My husband will always gravitate toward what is considered "the best." The reservationist, Richard matched the online price, so we paid for our room and were handed our keys. After taking our bags to the room, we got a bite to eat. When we returned, I was unpacking my bag when I noticed that on the end table, there was a bible lying open with a Book mark on it. I asked my husband if he had opened the Bible, and he said he had not. I leaned in to see that the Bible was opened to Psalm 5-8, with a bookmark on top (see the picture below). I read the bookmark, and I was speechless! The bookmark was a prayer: The Ramsey Hotel was not just a random hotel we had selected; it was a specifically chosen one for us! By God himself. Our arrival at The Ramsey Hotel wasn't just our prayer that had been answered; we were a manifestation of the answered prayer based on the bookmark! We later found out that the hotel has The Ramsey Hotel Church Services on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and Bible Study on Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. Christian music was playing in every public area, and Christians independently own it. I was so excited about The Ramsey Hotel and Convention Center that my wheels started turning, so I decided to get information about a retreat and conference there. I love hosting retreats and conferences. When we talked with the woman about the meeting spaces, we discovered that the meeting rooms are called "Salons"! What?! My coaching business is called, The Soul SALON! How amazing would that for The Soul Salon to host a retreat or conference, and in the program, the meeting spaces are described as "Salon A, Salon B, etc., "Come on, Lord! Spontaneity isn't always spontaneous; sometimes, it's God's way of revealing His plan to us. He gives us the desires of our hearts when it's in alignment with His. Don't forget to share this blog with others!

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