What is my purpose? This question seems to be on the minds and hearts of many people. Many people are struggling because they are not clear about their purpose.
Purpose is not a career path, a vocation, or a ministry. Those things are ways that your purpose is expressed.
Your purpose is the lens you use to observe, interpret, and respond to yourself, others, situations, and what's happening in the world.
For example. I am a teacher, an encourager, a leader, an innovator; I have wisdom and keen perception or discernment. Therefore when I find myself meeting with various people or in various situations, I am generally wondering how I can take what I'm learning and share it with someone else or encourage someone to be their best selves; as a leader, I may offer guidance, as an innovator, I might be offering ideas, while sharing some wisdom and what I am discerning or perceiving. I do not work at doing these things; they come "naturally" without effort. All are attributes of God.
Your purpose anchors your life in the attributes and communal call of God.
This blog is the way my purpose is expressed, but doing a blog is not my purpose. My purpose is to teach, encourage, lead, innovate, offer wisdom, and be discerning. These are how I reflect God's image in the world. It's a few ways that God has formed and is forming me.
I love what Proverbs 29:18 says in the Message version: If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.
Did you read what that verse said? If you can't see what God is doing, you are going to stumble over yourself.
The first principle for clarifying your purpose is that you must see what God is doing. As this relates to your purpose, you must see what God has done and is doing in you, how he forms you into Christ's image and creates you into Christ's image.
You are made in His image. He has put gifts, talents, longings, and desires in you to fulfill Ephesians 2:10 in your life: which says that you are God's masterpiece. He has created you to do good things.
The second principle for clarifying your purpose is that you will have peace when you see that you are a masterpiece. You will have a sense of stability.
Proverbs 29:18 says that you will stumble over yourself if you can't see what God is doing. There is no peace in stumbling because of its instability. Stability brings peace.
Peace comes from living out of who you most deeply are. Isaiah 61:3 says that you are an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, and a display of His splendor.
I want to ask you a few questions to help you see how God has created you.
What motivates you?
What energizes you?
What does your heart long for?
What have you wanted and never gotten?
What kind of people do you enjoy being with?
What kinds of people and situations get under your skin and frustrate you?
What is the thing that you can do that is effortless that brings you joy?
If you could do______________for the rest of your life and get paid for it, what would that be?
What is the one thing you could do for the rest of your life, and it wouldn't matter if you got paid?
How would you describe the lens you use to filter the world? See (Romans 12:4-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-11)
These questions are designed to help you to discover your purpose.
What did God reveal to you about yourself? Proverb 29:18 says that when you focus on what God is revealing, you will be blessed! Spend some time focusing on what makes you God's masterpiece! And then GO AND BE a display of His splendor and be blessed and be on purpose!
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