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The Next Step For Me

Joycelyn Lewis sitting with her bible and a tea cup
It's Time To Make Sure Your Church Is A Safe Place

I just realized yesterday that it had been 30 days since I turned in my resignation. I have been asked what is next for me. My next step is to return to my previous Leadership Coaching and Church Growth Consulting assignment. Previously I was focused primarily on helping church leaders to create disciple-making processes. I am a system and a process thinker. However, God reminded me why I decided to get a Masters's Degree in Christian Leadership; I wanted to teach leaders how to be healthy leaders.

A friend recently asked me if I had considered getting my Ph.D. because of my love for writing. My response was an immediate "No." Because of all the research required.

But then, as I pondered the question, I thought, "Well, of course, I would if a school gave me a FULL scholarship where I had to pay zero dollars; haha. I love to learn and share what I know with others so that I can empower them to be who God created them to be. If it were ever possible for me to get my Ph.D. without paying tuition, books, fees, etc., then yes! Sign me up!

The Next Step for me is simple. Leadership Coaching and Church Growth Consulting with emphasis on guiding congregations in preventing toxic leadership in the church and helping congregations to overcome a toxic church environment. My goal is to offer retreats and workshops, speak at events, teach what I have learned, and continue to learn about creating a church culture where people are safe from the abuse of power by the leaders and toxic church environments. I am praying and listening to God's guidance with each step. And when He opens doors, I will walk thru them.

My current goal is to write 90 blog posts in 90 days, and so far, I am on schedule. I do this because writing and helping others is one of my forms of therapy. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.

If you are interested in Leadership Coaching and/or Church Growth Consulting:

  • My current Leadership Coaching rate is based on six one-hour sessions, $750

  • My Church Growth Consulting fee is based on a six-month retainer and determined based on the congregation's needs. The retainer can be renewed every six months.

Subscribe today so you will get more information about my services and so that you will be one of the first to know when my schedule opens up to receive new clients.

If you are interested in Leadership Coaching, Church Growth Consulting or you would like for me to come and speak or offer a workshop at your church, you can email me at:

Don't forget to check out the RESOURCES page.


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